Year 8 and 9 Mathematics, Science and Technology


Term 3

Week 1

This week we are starting our work in algebra focusing on linear relationships. Starting with the Cartesian coordinate system, Plotting points from a table of values, and Plotting points from a rule. Mathsonline have some excellent explainations and examples on these topics.

Term 2

Week 1

This week we will be doing revision on algorithms and problem solving with fractions.  This is a topic that students have done in Term 1, so the intent is to revisit the fundamentals of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions, as well as practice interpreting and solving English worded problems.
Mathletic codes have been distributed and students can work on this site at school and at home.

Week 2

Students are working on solving problems using the 8 index laws.
We are targetting 3 levels of difficulty with the problems.
Students are to ensure they can do questions from Exercise 2F in Maths Quest 3 - Q1 - 7  for Part A level difficulty.
Exercise 2G Q1 - 5 AND 2H Q4 and 5 for Part B level difficulty.
Exercise 2I Q3 - 6 for Part C level difficulty, especially Q5e - h.
A reminder that the text is available to all students.  Simply provide a USB stick to the teacher for a copy.

Week 3

The intention is for students to consolidate fractions and index laws work, as well as cover Scientific Notation.
Please refer to the following index law summary sheet, questions and answers.
Also, refer to exercise 2J P113 in Maths Quest 3
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Week 4

Lesson 1 - We have begun our Space and Geometry Unit.  Homework should be exercises 11B from Maths Quest 1 (page 504).  Once again, a reminder to students that need to give me a usb stick to obtain the texts.  The responsibility for this lies with the student.  If students don't have the text, they could revise the powerpoint and exercises from class today (see 'space_and_geometry_-_lesson_1_-_angles.pptx')
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Lesson 2 - Today, students learned about supplementary angles, complementary angles, angles around a vertex, and vertically opposite angles.  As we are eventually going to be doing proofs, students must develop the habit of explaining their answers with relevant symbols, rather than just give an answer.  This is a crucial part of mathematical thinking, or ways of working.  This is called Communication and is marked in assessment and reported on.  It's one thing to know the answer, another to be able to explain, justify or prove the answer.  For homework, students need to complete the exercises in the attached powerpoint.
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Week 5

Lesson 3 - Students are continuing to learn geometry concepts, with 3 new symbols learned today related to triangles.  Also, we can now classify triangles not just as isosceles, scalene and equilateral, but acute isosceles or obtuse scalene (note that you can't have an obtuse equilateral).  We also attempted some worded problems.  As the house captains were assisting with athletics carnival, it is important that they review the attached powerpoint and attempt the questions within.  Everyone else should do the worded questions on slide 10 in the powerpoint for homework.
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Lesson 4 - A technology focussed lesson on the topic of geometry.  Students viewed geometry software (WinGeom) which allowed them to explore the geometry concept of exterior angles of a triangle.  Students were also shown a mathematics tutoring site which allows them to access tutorials and worksheets on any topic we do in mathematics.  This site is widely used by schools in Australia.  At this stage, parents can register their children if they can enter an Australian address.  Students are to ensure they understand the concepts and exercises in the attached powerpoint on Exterior Angles in a Triangle and Properties of Quadrilaterals.
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Week 6

Lesson 5 - Polygons and Parallels.  Students should have learned what the term 'polygon' means, and how to calculate the number of degrees within any regular or irregular polygon.  They continued in the second part of the double lesson with deductive geometry involving transversals and parallel lines.  Students seem to have a fair level of understanding about the concept, however, need more practise at solving deductive geometry problems AND showing their working out.  To practice for homework, students should do at least 20 minutes of practice a night on exercises beginning p478 in Maths Quest II.  See attached powerpoint for notes on the lesson and some sample problems and answers.
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Week 7

This week has been heavily involved with geometric proofs!  This is a very challenging topic for students as it requires them to think in a different way than they are used to.  Proof questions will be in Part C (above expected standard) in the upcoming test next week.  To practice, students have been given a worksheet.  I strongly advise that students register with mathsonline ( and access the year 9/10 course where they can view tutorials on geometric proofs as well as practice problems and view solutions.
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Week 8

Similarity - The final topic in the Geometry unit!!  Students have been studying similar figures and triangles (including proofs).  Again, the mathsonline website is a fantastic resource for online tutorials, worksheets and summaries.  Attached is the powerpoint which also includes summary information.  Further practice can be gained from Maths Quest 2 - Page 505 onwards.

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Week 9

This week we start the last unit for the term Trigonometry - starting with Pythagoras Theorem - manipulating the formula to find the lengths of missing sides. Students should be working through worksheets and practicing through out the week. 

Trigonmetry - second week introducing SOHCAHTOA - with the sine cosine and tan ratios - Maths online has excellent videos to help the students through this unit. A work booklet has been handed out for the students to work through.


The first topic on Index Laws and Scientific Notation was tested beginning 30/1/11 and finished on 31/1/11.  A copy of the exam used is attached, as well as a worked solution to Part C Question 5f.
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There is an exam this week (beginning Sunday 27/2).  For my class, it will be on Tuesday 1/3/11.  To assist with revision, students will be directed to do the chapter review on p515 in Maths Quest 2.  For proof revision, mathsonline is the recommended site.


Students should be practising questions from the relevant sections of the text book each night (minimum 20 minutes).  (The text book is available digitally from the teacher.  Students must provide a USB stick for a copy.  Yes, students have been aware of this since the beginning of the year).  Sometimes the teacher will set certain tasks, other times the students will be encouraged to set their own tasks, based on their identified areas of weakness.  Regardless, there is never an excuse of 'The teacher didn't give me any homework.'  To this, I would reply 'Practice anyway.  20 minutes at least.  GO!'
On the Mathletics site ( the only available options are the topics under instruction.   Students should be using the Mathletics site to revise, practice and improve their skills.   All students are expected to log on to this site outside of school hours to practice topic skills.
Notes, examples and exercises should be read over every night to improve understanding.
I would encourage all students to revise their work every night, and to pay attention to hints and revision sheets that are distributed in class.
Assignments should be completed on time.